Love, Joy, Peace...

Rev. Melvin R. Bates Sr. serves as Senior Pastor of St. Mary Baptist Church. He was born in Houston, Texas to the proud parents of the late, Deacon Courtney Bates Jr. and Sis. Mittie L. Bates.  Rev. Bates left Houston and moved to Shreveport, LA in 2012 and united with the Morning Star Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Theron Jackson, where he served in many areas of ministry. He is married to his sweetheart, Angela M. Bates, they have 4 children and 2 grandsons.

In December, 2015, Rev. Bates accepted the call to become the tenth Pastor of St. Mary Baptist Church of Shreveport, La.  
The golden text that serves as the center for his life is Romans 5:8 which states: “But God commended his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”


Alfred Willis – Treasurer/Finance Manager

Reginald King - Asst. Treasurer

Yolanda Stroy-Cole – Secretary/Bookkeeper

Brittny Washington - Asst. Secretary

Carlton Hardy, Jr. – Custodian

Dennis Montgomery, Jr. – Director of Music & Organist

Sharonda Rogers, Pianist

Le'Marcus Cole - Percussionist

Patrick Rye - Media Engineer